
Membership at the Victoria Recreation Club offers members a home away from home, a place where adult members can relax in a natural environment, enjoy quality time with family and friends, children can play and explore the natural grounds, everyone can enjoy the ocean and water sports of all types.

Information on membership application can be obtained by emailing the Club at [email protected]

Application forms can be downloaded here.

Victoria Recreation Club Membership Fees

Entrance FeesAssociate Member (including spouse if applicable)HK$ 75,000One-time payment
Entrance FeesSporting MemberHK$ 45,000One-time payment
Entrance FeesJunior Member (age 18-28)HK$ 10,500One-time payment
Entrance FeesChildNo feeN/A
SubscriptionOrdinary / Associate MemberHK$ 700Per month
SubscriptionSpouseHK$ 200Per month
SubscriptionJunior Member (age 18-28)HK$ 367Per month
SubscriptionSporting MemberHK$ 700Per month
SubscriptionChild Member (age 5-17)HK$ 60Per month
SubscriptionChild (age under 5 years)No subscriptionN/A
Spouse also refers to a partner and as such requires valid proof of relationship or cohabitation.
Junior/Child members must be children of members and require valid proof of age from a birth certificate, passport or ID.
Ordinary Members are members who have been accepted by the General Committee from Associate Membership to Ordinary Membership with voting rights in AGMs.
Fees and subscriptions are for reference and new applicants will be subject to the prevailing fees and subscriptions at the time of acceptance not application.
Children under 5 are admitted without subscription or guest fee.


Victoria Recreation Club Boat storage Fees

Deep Water BayCLASS COC1 / SurfskiIndoor HK$350 / Outdoor HK$250 Monthly
Deep Water BayCLASS DStand Up Paddle Board (SUP)Outdoor HK$155Monthly
Emerald BayCLASS COC1 / SurfskiOutdoor HK$250 Monthly
Emerald BayCLASS DStand Up Paddle Board (SUP)Outdoor HK$155 Monthly