Youth Summer Programs 2020
We will run some great new programs in small groups, for teenagers and children this summer. Take a look at these fun, safe and healthy outdoor activities!
The operation of all courses is subject to our current operational regulations and precautions.
Learn the basics of the Surf Ski, with this introductory course by top Instructor Andrew Watts. This course will also qualify teenagers for future renting of the Club’s surf skis.
在頂級教練Andrew Watts的指導下學習划艇的基本要領。本課程合資格的青少年參與者亦可於將來租賃會所的划艇。
Asia Pacific Adventure Youth Summer Camps 2020
We will also run some fun aquatic programs with the Asia Pacific Adventure team. Check out the website Camp APA for dates and registration.
我們亦正與Asia Pacific Adventure團隊開展一系列有趣的水上活動。點擊網頁Camp APA獲取活動日期及報名參與。
Hong Kong Country Club Summer Camps 2020
To offer more activities this summer, our young VRC Members may now enjoy the member’s rate to sign up for summer camps organised by Hong Kong Country Club.
Explore, learn, play and make new friends at Hong Kong Country Club – our friendly neighbour next to our Deep Water Bay Clubhouse!
前往我們深水灣會所的好鄰居 – 香港鄉村俱樂部去探索、學習、玩樂及結識新朋友吧!